Introducing my Mount Shasta Spirit Essence Collection:
Curious about spirit essences?
Immersed in Mount Shasta for the past 17 years, I've crafted these unique essences as a culmination of my local journey, explorations, and healing experiences in this mystical land.
Discover the Mount Shasta Spirit Essence Collection, liquid extracts that delve into emotional well-being, soul growth, and holistic health. These essences are a reflection of my deep connection to this place, combining plant flowers, gems, and sacred spots to address mental and emotional aspects of your wellness journey. Explore a piece of Mount Shasta's spirit with each essence.
Explore the essence of Mount Shasta with me.
Earth -
GROUNDING AND CONNECTION- essence in organic spirits & pure Mt Shasta water potentized w/ ❤️ at Medicine Lake July 27th with Glass Mountain Obsidian, pomegranate, ca poppy, myrrh & boletus edulis
TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART- essence in organic spirits & pure Mt Shasta water potentized w/ ❤️ at Heart Lake sunrise Aug 8th- 2017 w/ bleeding heart, angelica, CA wild rose, borage, chamomile, beet & honeysuckle
Radiance -
CREATIVE EMPOWERMENT- essence in organic spirits & pure Mt Shasta water potentized w/ ❤️ at Panther Meadows Nov 8th- 2017 w/ st. john’s wort, sunflower, citrine, blackberry, cedar, tumeric & pink yarrow
Reflection -
PERSONAL TRUTH and RECEPTIVITY - essence in organic spirits & pure Mt Shasta water potentized w/ ❤️ at McCloud Falls July 11th- 2018 w/ cosmos, mullien, blue tansy, calendula & aquamarine
Intuition -
INSPIRATION AND COSMIC INSIGHT- essence in organic spirits & pure Mt Shasta water potentized w/ ❤️ at Pluto Caves October 5th- 2019 w/ violet, lavender, queen anne’s lace, sagebrush, mugwort, methylene blue & moonstone
Summit -
HUMANIFESTING HARMONIOUS PROSPERITY- essence in organic spirits & pure Mt, Shasta water potentized w/❤️ on the summit of Mt. Shasta sunrise Aug 5- 2006 w/ moldivite, ruby, danburite, aquamarine, blackberry & blue lotus
How do spirit essences work?
To understand how spirit essences work requires a recognition that the human being is more than a physical body, but also incorporates a "body" of life energy, a "body" of sensitivity and feelings, and a spiritual essence or Self. Spirit essences are energetic imprints of the life force of plants, gems and places which interact with these subtle bodies of the human being, and evoke specific qualities within us. We can say that they work in a similar way to inspirational music or art, which carry meaning through the vehicle of sound or light, while the spirit essences work through the medium of water.
Modern physics has known for nearly a century that matter and consciousness are intertwined. However, medical science still generally works with a nineteenth century model of the human being as a mechanism in a world of machines. We expect that in the coming century medical science will develop ways of studying the impact of consciousness on health, and we will learn more about the ways in which vibrational essences work. However, empirical research, which consists of the collection of case studies and practitioner reports, will remain the primary source of knowledge about how vibrational essences work.
How are the essences prepared?
Spirit essences are dilute, potentized herbal and gem infusions or decoctions, prepared from wildflowers or pristine garden blossoms and gems in a potent place in Mt Shasta. They are made directly in the “laboratory of nature,” where the four alchemical elements of earth, water, air and fire are found in harmonious balance. To this is added the fifth “quintessential” element of the sensitive awareness and attunement of the preparer. The water is poured in the early morning of a clear, sunny day. Floating on the surface of a bowl of water, they are irradiated by the warmth and light of the sun for several hours. This process creates an energetic imprint of the etheric energy pattern of the energy in the water, embodying the healing archetype of that place.
How do I use spirit essences?
They are typically taken orally from a dropper bottle; the standard dosage is four drops four times daily. You can take the drops directly from stock bottles available in stores; mix them in a glass of water; or make a dosage bottle by mixing several drops with water and brandy (typically ¼ to ½ ounce) in a one ounce dropper bottle. When mixing in a dosage bottle or glass of water, take two drops from each essence selected. There are many others ways of using them, such as in misting sprayers, in a cream base, or in baths.
Use Creatively
Take care not to contaminate Stock bottle by touching mouth with dropper