Last month, and, for the first time, I had an art show. A real fill-the-whole-gallery kind of thing. My paintings graced the walls, and my aromatic creations filled the shelves. My Shasta community came out for the blow-out opening party, laden with delicious food and drink, as well as local music. It was a different experience for me, as I have vended for 20 years at different festivals, beginning with a simple massage booth. I gradually brought in aromatherapy products that I made in my home. In the last year, I started to share and sell my paintings at these events.

I have never considered myself an 'artist,’ as I didn’t go to art school. I have always loved making crafty items for myself and my loved ones. Things that brought me joy, such as painting beautiful images on clothing in bright colors, glittering up an otherwise drab piece of cloth, things like that.
There seemed to be a line in my mind that was drawn between the ‘artist’ and the ‘crafter,’ and I found myself wavering between them. I began knitting, and followed the thread to create textile arts that were wearable as well as beautiful. I discovered my passion for painting, and was drawn to universal signifiers that spoke volumes to my soul, and, I found, to many others. Though I am not classically trained in painting, I believe that there is a force that is flowing out of me, and I allow it to find its path.
What I really took to heart was the reactions from people walking in the room, letting my images wash over them. For me, my art show was a fantastic culmination of my life, as well as sign of new beginnings.
I have so much to share with you…so this will be my soap box, my little corner pedestal where I will rant and love and and share and hope to inspire you with the many things I am interested and experienced in. I am fascinated with education, learning and distilling information that I find useful and resonant. An apprenticeship program is in the works, as well as several workshops and retreats that will weave together many of my skills, such as “Herbalism 101,” an introduction to medicine making, and “Perfume and Painting,” a synthesis of my passions for the artist in all of us. Stay tuned in for updates!